The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell – A Softer Side Of Texas

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I’m back from Texas and it’s been a whirlwind of a week! There was so much on my plate, including a home shoot for publication that I’ll share later on once I’ve had a chance to edit some of the images.

One of my stops was the incredible antique show at Round Top. If you haven’t yet been and love antiques and vintage, it’s a bucket list place to see!janet coon shabbyfufu and rachel ashwell shabby chic

Since I was mainly shopping that morning and visiting with friends, I didn’t bring my camera out and just had my iPhone to be more hands free. The show was great fun but hot as blazes…so we only stayed for half a day and then it was on to Rachel Ashwell’s The Prairie.

If you are a fan of Shabby Chic then perhaps you have her new book, Couture Prairie…which as all of her books is awe inspiring and a must read for all who embrace the feminine style.
On this afternoon when my daughter and I stopped in, the shop was empty except for a couple of lovely employees and Rachel popped in for a visit….
Gracious as always…this was my second time chatting with Rachel. Just a couple of shabby old girls;-)

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

Me surrounded by beauty in the shop….which had been temporarily relocated to The Pearl Barn for an upcoming book signing.

rachel ashwell shabby chic fame

We chatted over her lunch break…what a treat.

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

The regular location of the shop.

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

The beautiful Pearl Barn and temporary shop digs.

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

Gorgeous displays and setting in the barn.

The Prairie By Rachel AshwellThe Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

Piles of Rachel’s signed books.

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

Plenty of candles, of which I did purchase a few.

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

My beautiful daughter who lives in Austin and is a writer by trade is perusing books.

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

Endurance…and the shabby chic style surely has endured the test of time.

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

I would have loved to take home this sofa/chair, but sadly it would not fit in my suitcase:-)

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

Dreamcatchers…of which many crafters make now in this Shabby Chic style.

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

Gorgeous florals in an apple basket, as seen in her book.

The Prairie By Rachel Ashwell

I hope that you enjoyed this little bit of heaven, taken through my lens. If so I’d love to hear from you with a comment!

I’ll be back soon with more shots from The Prairie…and the softer side of Texas!

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  1. What A BEAUTIFUL post Janet and what an experience for sure. I have never been but thank you for sharing these lovely images. I just visited through your lens! Lovely photos Janet! xo

  2. Oh my goodness, that SOFA…I want it!!! How fun that you got to go there and chat with Rachel herself! Thank you for sharing:)

    P.S. Your daughter has some amazing legs!

  3. Love when you travel! You always catch the best shots! Very pretty and of course waiting for more! Xxoo

  4. Gee Singh Newbanks says:

    Beautiful photos. 🙂

  5. RuthSMac. says:

    What wonderful pictures, Janet! The week I visited the Prairie I just witnessed the pile of boxes, and yes they told us that they will move the store to the barn, perhaps i chose the wrong week to visit the place, who knows.

    Thank for your excellent pictures again!

  6. Janet- What GORGEOUS pictures and how wonderful that you got to chat with Rachel. What an unexpected surprise that must have been. I can't wait to see more pictures. Love that sofa- whodathought that color would grab me? xo Diana

  7. Aren't you lucky! That sounds like so much fun! I love Rachel's new book 🙂

  8. Bonjour,

    Je suis certaine que vous avez passé un excellent moment…

    Grâce à vos merveilleuses photos j'aperçois des petites choses très intéressantes…
    Gros bisous.

  9. Thank you Thank you for sharing all your great pics with us.How fun to get to chat with Rachel.I would so love to visit myself.

  10. Hello Janet! You had an amazing trip! I love photos of The Prairie, because I can´t see it on my own eyes. Your photos are beautiful, it´s perfect that you have one with Rachel! You live my dream. Have a great days, xoxo Michaella

  11. As I know you speak French I'll comment in French. Comme je suis une adepte passionnée du style shabby chic, j'ai forcément tous les livres de Rachel (dont le dernier). Les ambiances qu'elle arrive à créer comme dans cette grange pourtant surchargée sont stupéfiantes et magnifiques ! Merci pour ce partage.
    Je te souhaite une belle et douce journée, ici l'automne arrive doucement avec pluie et vent.

    xoxo from PARIS


  12. Alabaster Rose Lifestyle says:

    Absolutely beautiful Janet!! What a wonderful trip you had!!
    Have a lovely week.

  13. Wow Janet! What a treat these photos are to the eye and soul!! A little bit of heaven. Lucky you…a daughter in Austin. RA's work is incredible. She makes everything looks so effortless but we know it's tons of work behind the scenes. Love her latest book. xo

  14. ShantyGirl says:

    I have been drooling over that chair ever since I went to the prairie,,,,did you notice how much it was marked down to by chance???? I adore but probably still out of my comfort zone…..looks like you had a wonderful trip, love all the pictures you really captured the beauty of it all!!

  15. Nancy Olliver says:

    Janet this must have been such an overwhelmingly incredible experience. I felt like I was there through your wonderful photo's! You continue to inspire me to go after the life of my dreams!!!!!

  16. Oh boy, thank you! I enjoyed every minute. What a yummy place…


  17. What a divine place! I keep wanting to go and visit. Thank you fro sharing your great pics.

  18. Wonderful tour, Janet, to a place many of us might not get to. I can imagine what a thrill it was for you! Thank you so much for sharing.



  19. How wonderful to spend the day surrounded by beauty, and beautiful people, then live it all over again through your gorgeous photos! Fabulous post Janet! Hugs, Leena

  20. Thank you for sharing Janet! Oh you are so lucky…I would love to visit there! I have her new book and I have to say it is my favorite so far!

  21. Liza DiStephano says:

    Hello.Im writing to you from Alliance Ohio.My name is Lisa well I accidentally ran across your website.I was absolutely in shock.It was to die for.And the first thing I came across was the beautiful lavender chair.This is actually what I am wanting to do my parlor.Im hopefully you can help me with this do you sell furniture on here and do you deliver across the state’s? If you have any spare time could you please answer this text and tell me were to go from with out a doubt have the most beautiful taste I have ever come across.i leave in a very small town and you don’t just see those things even if you travel a few big cities over.well I will close now and I’m sorry for bothering you but I just had to take the time out to comet on the website. In hopes you may give me some good advice..You all have a pleasant day.And God be with you and bless you..

    1. What a lovely comment Liza and thanks for taking the time to write in! We don’t sell any furniture and this came from the Shabby Chic Couture line, so possibly look that up? Enjoy your day, xo Janet