
Designer Look For Less On Your Patio

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Do you love to get the designer look for less? I spend a fair amount of time searching when I’m looking to update something in our home. With our home remodeling family business, I’m well aware of what’s trending in terms of home design and furnishings. That being said, our budget often doesn’t allow me to do whatever I’d like and for the most part I’ve been good with that for years. I’ve learned to mix new with old, high end with budget friendly and shop for designer dupes.

designer looks for less for the patio

These last couple of weeks I’ve been talking to you about outdoor living. With all that’s going on in terms of our “staying home”, now more than ever is the chance to reevaluate what you have and where you spend your outdoor time. We are fortunate to have a lovely outdoor area and pool to enjoy, but it’s certainly far from perfect! The pavers covering the patio have many years of wear and are in need of replacing. It would be too much of an expense for us, so we keep it clean as possible and simply look up (not down). The front porch of our home is tiny and outdated, but the double doors are painted in a cheery color. Seasonal wreaths help too, as well as front door mats.

designer looks for less

If I could do it all over again here at the house, would I? Perhaps. Make that a yes! I would rip out walls and design my dream kitchen. A guest cottage out back would be ideal. The pool would be further out in the property with a real cabana. It would be fun, but not realistic for us. However, I’ve found the trick that works for me and keeps me happy. Keep the clutter to a minimum and stay organized. Add the right pieces, fresh pieces as the seasons change. Have that designer look for less.

I digress and in talking patio and porch, my dream furnishings would have that coastal look. A sunwashed, perfectly relaxed look with lots of wicker and rattan. The look of Serena & Lily and their California beach inspired pieces that are pricey. I’ve found some beautiful dupes to shop and share today to bring that designer look for less onto our patios and porches.

designer looks for less

These are budget friendly looks that will allow you to carve out a beautiful outdoor area with ease. Promise! Take a look and I’ve been shopping this line for my patio and will continue to as I freshen up the look. The S & L designer look…for less!


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designer patio look for less

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  1. As always, a beautiful post. I love your alternatives to expensive items. Please find some inexpensive vintage looking french country gold mirrors. I actually scored a gorgeous buffet mirror at an estate sale months ago for $45 and it would have sold for at least $1200-$3000 online. While I’m over the moon for that purchase, I’d love to find some ornate, vintage gold floor mirrors. Any ideas???? Thanks and I love your blog. Instagram is not my thing. Give it a couple of years and we’ll all be cross-eyed looking at our iPhones!! I love to be able to go back and re-read posts on your blog. I’m tired of “instant”.

    1. So funny that you mentioned this Eileen! I scored an amazing floor mirror over the weekend and my blogging besties and I were talking about me needing to write such a post. I’ll try and get to that soon!

  2. This post is so right on! Several gems of wisdom! When you said ..mix the new with the old and all price points! I smiled because this is my own personal style . As a designer for longer than I wish to claim, I often work with clients that want all brand new and pricey. That’s fine I create the look they want,but when I walk in my own door I am comforted by the combinations of new,old and collected over time.
    The other gem of wisdom in today’s post was-Keep the clutter to a minimum and stay organized ! That is a goal for me which I am working on.
    Now if I could get my husband on board with that….the impossible dream!

    1. What wonderful feedback Deborah and I thank you! I see so many houses these days that look almost identical and while I understand the need to be on trend a personal stamp is everything! Ahh the husbands…insert eye rolls, haha!

  3. Marie Kromer says:

    Hi Janet,
    Thank you for your beautiful posts and photos.
    I would love to see pics of “all of your flamingos” at your beach house.
    Enjoy your time there and stay safe!

    1. Thank YOU Marie for stopping by! There are some of my flamingos shown in beach house tablescapes, but I’ll try and share some more.

      1. Marie D. Kromer says:

        Fantastic! You and your blog keep me happy and inspired especially during this time!

        1. Thanks Marie…I’m glad that you enjoy visiting the blog!

  4. Hi Janet:) I seem to be missing where you purchased your dupes as shown in your “designer patio dupes for less” photo. Would you please clarify where those items in particular came from?

    1. Hi Michelle, if you scroll down you should see the links that you can click on. Some of the items may be out of stock by now, and it’s hard to keep up with those since the pandemic shortages.