
How To Style A French Farmhouse Fall Table

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How to style a French farmhouse fall table with a simple wheat and white theme!
French farmhouse fall table styling tips
Let’s go back in time today, to just around 10  years ago when I shot the photos that you will see in today’s “it’s going to be fall soon” post! Things have changed in my home, but not really. I still have that farmhouse scale and I use it often for display and practical purposes as well. The pink glasses are from Anthropologie

and at one time were a set of six, but now there is just a lonely pair left. I believe in using what we have around here and that means that things get worn out and broken. The pink and green table that I purchased years ago from a local nursing home remodeling sale (yes, it’s true!) has been knocked over a few times and one of the legs has had more than one serious surgery to repair it. I love my vintage things and will continue to decorate by mixing the old with the new.

All set up for autumn in 2011, and I shared this on my blog prior to removing years worth of old content. I mean…who really wants to read about what I did in 2008, like color my hair or go to the grocery store! I have definitely improved big time over the years in my photography skills as well, so photos like these are a bit cringeworthy or eyebrow rumpling to me:~)

The table setting and styling I would still do AND still do a lot of white. And vintage.

How To Style A French Farmhouse Fall Table

How To Style A French Farmhouse Fall Table
How I styled the table here for fall was simple and maybe leaning towards French farmhouse, a look that this chameleon design addict tends to love. The pitcher is a find that shockingly my HUSBAND found some years back when we were driving from Paris to the Provence region of France along a country road and made a pit stop at a little brocante that we spotted on a side street. He noticed it in a cigarette infused box of junk under a table in the shop and the owner looked at my husband as if he had three heads when he asked a simple “combien”? A piece of junk…rust, did not hold water and all of that. I think that it was just a couple of dollars and I was very happy to add it to my French enamelware collection.




The chairs are not what I have there now, but I still have them and they sit at the breakfast table at our beach home. Repurposed, restyled and reworked with FRENCH GRAIN SACK on the seats. I love “all things cane and all things tufted” and found some similar {affiliates used} FRENCH CANE CHAIRS that are worth looking at if you are in the market for some.
The table is set with another BLUE STRIPED TABLE RUNNER and the centerpiece sits on a silver tray. Just the FRENCH WHITE PITCHER filled with wheat and some baby white PUMPKINS, along with a pair of WHITE CANDLEHOLDERS. Since the pitcher doesn’t hold water the wheat was perfect to plop inside.
Did you know that you can keep wheat from year to year and it won’t go bad? I still have this batch from four years ago and store it inside of a cabinet away from the sun. Perfect.
french farmhouse fall table

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  1. Nancy Walden says:

    I love that mirror! I have a 70 year old rectangular mirror with a simple painted frame that my dad made when he was in college. It’s been hanging in the garage for awhile and I’d love to update it without destroying the very well-made frame. I think I could attach it to a larger piece of wood, add molding, etc and create something this this.

    1. That sounds doable indeed Nancy!

  2. Janet, I just realized you live in my area. I have to tell you I never would have guessed – your style is so romantic and feminine and not seen often here in Miami. Don’t know if it’s the heat or what, but we tend to have more colors here. However, seeing how beautifully you have decorated your home has inspired me to be true to my inner girlie girl and forget the tropics. You have a beautiful home! Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

  3. I love the pink platter. (very eye-catching.) (I love all old things.) It would work in ANY season! I use my red/white transferware from Christmas through Easter. !

    1. Your transferware sounds lovely Sherry…I don’t have much, but love my platter