Style Showcase 7 – Your Destination For Home Decor Inspiration

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Hi friends and welcome to Style Showcase number 7, the new weekly link party that features home decor and DIY bloggers both from their blogs AND their Instagram accounts. It seems that so many home decorating enthusiasts are now perusing the pages of Instagram, so we are excited to have added Instagram to this party and feature talented accounts to go to for inspiration!

If you’d like to link up, please know that you’re welcome to link up an Instagram post directly here. If we decide to feature your Instagram post, We’ll include a link to your blog, and if you don’t have a blog that’s okay too. We truly want everyone to be inspired and are happy to have you here. You can find me on Instagram as SHABBYFUFU and I’d love to invite you to follow if you don’t as of yet.

The weather here has finally cooled off some, and it’s a reminder of why we live here in the first place. This past weekend my husband and I hung out by the pool and there has been non-stop work to get the garden shaped up from the effects of this past summer’s hurricane. I was able to do my first outdoor styling and photoshoot in a long time today and it might have just involved a tablescape and peonies;-)
 Now it’s time for The Style Showcase friends, so please enjoy…


Style Showcase logo
Here is what your hosts have been sharing lately…
Designthusiasm weekly collage 7
Shabbyfufu weekly collage 7
Please enjoy this week’s features…
Kim Power Style Feature








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