
DIY Oil Candle Lights – Easiest Ever!

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DIY Oil Candle Lights for Christmas that are easy to make with items that you probably already have on hand. This is perhaps the easiest tutorial that we’ve ever shared!
DIY Oil Candle Lights


Today I’m going to share the easiest DIY project perhaps that I’ve ever shared here on the blog and it’s a beauty too!

It’s no secret to my family that I LOVE candles, and I think that I passed the candle loving gene on to my girls. I made some soy candles right before the holidays that we have been enjoying and scented them with lavender and rosemary essential oils, as well as clipping and drying some fresh and pouring them into the wax for a stronger scent.



My favorite candles of all though come from Linnea’s Lights, and my husband purchased this gift box as one of my Christmas gifts. Boy oh boy he earned some points with that one and it smells fantastic in our home right now!



He also bought some beautiful pink peonies for me and since they are seasonal, I’m quite sad to see them go. But wait…I can turn them into candles and have them last a little longer! So I grabbed a few Mason jars (you can find them on eBay) from my stash and will give a brief DIY of how to make the easiest “candle” ever.


diy oil candle lights christmas


I cut the now faded blooms off my peonies because to me they still have such beauty. The buds and leaves were then loosely placed into my Mason jars, filling close to the top. In this case I selected clear jars and you can use any jars that you have been saving…like from jelly or peanut butter~as long as they are glass.


christmas candle diy oil lanterns


Then fill with water to cover, leaving a couple of inches at the top. Pour a layer of about an inch with vegetable oil on top of that. You know…oil and water do not mix and oil will float because it’s lighter. Then get yourself some floating candle wicks. I purchased THESE and that’s about all you would really have to buy for this project.




They are not really candles, but rather oil lamps. Oil lamps have been around since the cave dwellers used animal fat with flame to light their homes BC, so it’s nothing new…but these are so pretty:~}
I added some frozen cranberries and also I scented them by adding in from 10 to 20 drops of lavender essential oil to the jar, depending on the sized jar used. I buy my lavender oil in LARGE SIZES  because I use it for so many things!




Aren’t they pretty? They are safe to have around, because in the event that someone knocks them over the water should extinguish the flame.
You can vary them by the jars used, float some glass jar filler or other fruits, small vegetables and even add food coloring to the water. They will stay lit for a couple of hours and the wicks can be easily and quickly replaced.


I have had all of these candle brands in my home over the last couple of years, so take a look and shop below!

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  1. margarita teresa rosemberg says:

    Very nice. I'll do it…for sure…Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!

  2. Victoria Silva says:

    such a great and pretty idea…thank you

  3. parisjudy says:

    These are gorgeous, thanks so much for sharing Janet. I definitely want to try this. Happy New Year!

  4. So beautiful but the link to Amazon doesn't work for me. Thanks for sharing and happy new year

    1. Christine says:

      What a lovely project and easy spur of the moment gift. Thank you for such inspiration

      1. They definitely would make a unique and heartfelt gift!

  5. Janet this is so sweet. Love these. Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea. I am off to make up some pretty candles for New Year's Eve. Happy New Year.

  6. Such a beautiful decorating idea. I've seen a similar candle made with fruit slices and succulents. This is a perfect DIY though.

  7. These are so pretty, Janet! I will definitely try making some of these! Thank you for sharing this lovely idea. Happy New Year to you!

  8. captiveinflorida says:

    Gorgeous! But one question. You said to buy floating wicks but yours look like tea light candles. Is that what you used?

  9. So beautiful Janet! Hope you are having great New Year thus far my friend.

  10. These are really pretty. They'd be nice in a Valentine tablescape too. Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday.

  11. Virginia Megin Gallagher says:

    These are beautiful, Janet! And your photography is stunning!
    I would love for you to join us at share each week at Brag About It link party on VMG206 (Mondays at Midnight).
    ~ Megin of VMG206

  12. Cassandra May @ Little Red Window says:

    oh my gosh, I had no idea you could make candles this way! They're so pretty! Thanks for sharing with us at The DIY Collective Link Party, hope you come back again next week! xo!

  13. Audrey Humaciu says:

    what a fun and beautiful idea! Found you on Foodie Friends Friday

  14. DIY Crush Blog says:

    I love this!! Those are so pretty! I love candles! Would love to see you at my craft party which is new Thursdays at 7pm EST. Have a great weekend!

  15. These are really stunning! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Dream. Create. Inspire. Link! You'll be one of our features this week!


  16. Emily @ Two Purple Couches says:

    These are gorgeous! And what a wonderful way to use flowers and greenery, especially around the holidays! I chose your oil lights to feature at this week's Merry Monday party. Thank you for linking up with us!

  17. I'm so glad I went back and read some back issues from your blog. I love these. I would have to buy ingredients and right now I am pinching pennies, but maybe I can try this one day. Love it. I know it smells yummy and is beautiful! I love candles but find few that keep their aroma.

  18. Lisa Cudd says:

    Here in Ohio our peonies come out in the spring…I definitely know what I'm going to do with those blooms (they last for such a short time!!!).
    Thanks and God bless :0)

  19. How long do the flowers hold up?

    1. It really depends…but I’ve found that for me at least a week.

  20. Susan Cicarelli says:

    I have a ton of tea lights would they work too. Thank you

  21. So pretty! So easy to make! So inexpensive–win-win-win!