How To Make No Sew Ribbon Rose Flowers

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No sew easy diy ribbon roses simplified! I have been making ribbon rose flowers for a long time and it’s just one of those things that you do by hand that is therapeutic and relaxing. Ribbon rosettes can be used to adorn so many things or as I have done today you can simply create pretty ribbon long stemmed flowers. These no sew easy diy ribbon roses are nostalgic and romantic!

No sew easy diy ribbon roses

No Sew Easy DIY Ribbon Roses

blush pink ribbon in a no sew easy diy ribbon roses diy
  1. Cut a length of ribbon about a yard long. You don’t have to measure, just hold the ribbon in your hand and bring it up to your collarbone. That is a yard, just in case you didn’t know ;-). Take the ribbon and fold it down the way that I’ve shown in the photo above. You can either use a T-PIN to hold it in place that will be pulled out later, or dab a bit of hot glue into the fold and press down to adhere.

By the way, if you want the ribbon roses for clothing or something that needs to be washed, I would suggest using a needle and thread and just do a couple of tack stitches every once in awhile.

ribbon rose flower tutorial

2. Now begin rolling the ribbon and do it somewhat tightly at first. As you progress with the rolling you can loosen up the grip. The center is going to look like the center of a rose, so think about how a rose in nature unfurls.

rolling ribbon roses to make a flower

3. As you move along turning your ribbon you’ll want to fold it over every other turn or so to form the folds of the rose. No stress if it’s not perfect on these no sew easy diy ribbon roses. Practice makes it perfect, or at least easier. You can buy them or make them and I prefer to make my own and have them just as I envision.

pink ribbon rosette

Here is my own no sew easy diy ribbon rose as it nears completion. It’s helpful to use a dab of hot glue on the backside in the folds of the ribbon every few turns to hold the ribbon in place. If tacking with a needle and thread is easier for you, then by all means do it that way.

hot glue no sew project

4. Hot glue the RIBBON ROSE when you feel that it is complete at the very last turn on the backside, then pull out your T-Pin and cut off any excess ribbon that remains.

No sew easy diy ribbon roses

5. If you choose to make flowers to place in a vase then grab a chenille pipe cleaner (I always keep a stash in my craft studio:-) and push it up inside the center roll with a dab of hot glue.

silk ribbon roses No sew easy diy ribbon roses
These would be lovely for a BRIDAL BOUQUET, and I’ve used RIBBON FLOWERS to make necklaces, adorn lampshades, clothing and more. I wouldn’t say that ribbon roses are necessarily on trend, but I use what I like and I think that these are pretty and soft in any setting…even just laying down.
statement necklace with roses
This is an older shot from something that I did for Country Living Magazine, and you can use torn fabric strips as well to make rolled ribbon roses.
blush pink ribbon roses


blush pink ribbon rose arrangement

I added vintage velvet millinery leaves to a few of the roses by hot gluing to the back. And there you have it and they truly ARE simple and the easiest no sew easy diy ribbon roses to create!

display of ribbon roses


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  1. Oonagh warren dennehy says:

    So pretty and delicate! I love this tutorial and you asked if it would be helpful to show on video – absolutely most definitely! I always find it so much easier to catch on when watching someone work through a process as opposed to reading instructions. I can’t wait to try this plus the tissue paper pompoms for my daughters ‘sweetheart’ dance coming up on Saturday. Thank you! Oonagh ?

  2. Susan allen says:

    I always enjoy ur posts I have been a follower for a long time and I would like to say yes a video of the ribbon roses would be great for me I love shabby chic still I’m just an ol romantic at heart yours is one of the few blogs I try to stay updated with thanks, Susan

  3. Love all your floral styling!! So beautiful! Fall is one of my favorite seasons to decorate! Thank you for sharing!!

  4. FUN project… saved and ready to share with friends.
    ?linda of

    1. Thanks Linda for stopping by and checking out the posts today. Enjoy your week!

    1. Awww, thank you so much and I hope that you give it a try! xo

  5. Thank you! I can’t wait to get all the ribbon out that I have saved from packages that I have ordered.

    1. It’s so satisfying and loads of fun!

  6. Great close-up shots. My problem is turning the ribbon – do you make a 45° turn, and do you always turn in the same direction – towards yourself? Video would be good, but S-L-O-W at the turning part 😉

  7. Carolyn Ann Coley says:

    I just love DIY crafts. Your ribbon roses are absolutely stunning!! This really caught my attention and interest. Years ago when my girls were young, I was a stickler for bows ribbons, and knots being so pretty. I can see myself wrapped in all sorts of ribbons, fabrics, and more. Thank you so much for sharing this unique and gorgeous DIY crafty idea! 🌹💝