Updating The Pool And Patio Area

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With Father’s Day this weekend we were happy to spend time at home, even if it meant working…around the pool. As I mentioned on my Instagram feed if you follow me there, we not only…
…scored the pieces that I shared in THIS post, but we were so fortunate to be given an entire set of patio furniture from Restoration Hardware!It’s not new, in fact it’s about 10 years old…but it’s new to us and it was at a guest house that we managed ~ so it’s been well cared for. You KNOW how expensive Restoration Hardware furniture is, so we are very grateful and feel extremely blessed for this gift!
The environment in South Florida is extremely harsh in the summer, and probably like no place else in the US. We not only have temperatures in the 90’s with the “feels like” in the 100’s, but we generally receive a lot of rain and the humidity is always close to 100%. That eats up anything that is left outside and things don’t last for more than a season or two with mildew and mold…
The price that we pay for living in paradise…and with that in mind the canopy has to be replaced yearly and the furniture gets so many UVs that it doesn’t last. Once the rains start so does all of that…and the mosquitoes too, so we put the cushions away and stay indoors:-(
Whatever flowers we have had died back for now, and the sprinklers have to be turned on several evenings a week to keep the grass from dying. Luckily we don’t have a water shortage here like California does, and our sprinklers run on our own well…
The patio next to our house has had a bit of a facelift all it’s own. We pressure cleaned with bleach and have more of the Restoration furniture in place. Our vintage wicker set and our vintage white wrought iron set are now for sale, as this will work better for the area and the climate here…
The custom made green Sunbrella blinds are about 20 years old and they crank down to keep the western sun off the patio during the late afternoon summer hours. They roll back up when we don’t need them, so this has been a great investment…
All of our patio plants had to be moved out into shady areas underneath the trees in the garden. As you can see with this bromeliad, they get sunburned…just like we do if we are out there too long!

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  1. Absolutely beautiful Janet! I noticed you don't have a screened in pool. Is that because of the hurricanes? As I start looking at homes in Florida I am trying to decide what to do. We are def going to get a screened porch. Now that I have one, I would never want a home without it especially there. But I'm not sure about a getting a home with a pool. And if we did, I would want a screen.My SIL lives in Coral Springs, and she has a pool that is screened in. But I would love to hear you thoughts. Great tip about the furniture. I am wondering if vintage iron furniture would work there, or should I just leave it behind? I for sure do not want a fireplace,LOL. We have one here, but it get's a lot of use being that in the winters we have minus temperatures.

  2. Yep….your home and gardens are just like a spa, girl. So beautiful! I love it all! I can see why you hibernate inside when you've got such humidity levels. When it gets to 70% up here, we spend all day indoors! lol Love that frame with the broken plate on it. That was such a creatively cool way to place it on the frame!

    xoxo laurie