
Home Deep Cleaning – 10 Tips You Need To Know

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Wondering how to deep clean your house? You’re not alone!
In this post, I’m sharing my top 10 tips on tackling spring cleaning easily and quickly. 

Home deep cleaning seems to be synonymous with spring. This season brings so many changes, refreshing and renewing. One of the hallmarks of spring that never goes away is the yearly spring clean. 



Everything has been piling up, and there is clutter from hunkering down in the house. It may seem a little overwhelming, but you can get it all done with some helpful tips and hacks.
Today, we’re diving deep into the fastest way to deep clean your home, inside and out!

Let’s not waste any more time, and let’s clean!                                                                      

How to Deep Cleaning  Your House Inside and Out

To efficiently deep clean, you need to start with the basics. One of the most important things, yet often overlooked when spring cleaning is what you need to get before starting.

Make sure you have the right cleaning supplies and gear.



Here’s a list of my must-haves, but make sure to get the right supplies for the type of furniture and floors you have at home. Also, check the cleaning products’ ingredients, especially if you’re trying to be more eco-friendly.
(I have a great post with some tips to make the most of natural cleaning that may be useful for you)

Supplies & Gear You’ll Need

  • Microfiber Cloths
  • Duster
  • Rubber gloves
  • Sponges
  • Mop
  • Bucket
  • Glass and Multi-surface Cleaner
  • Vacuum
  • Lint roller
  • Floor Care Products
  • Non-scratch abrasive pads

Home Deep Cleaning Inside Your Home

Freshen Up Your Furniture


During the winter, our furnishings can take a serious beating. We are lounging, eating, and working from our couches all winter long. Take some time to give your furnishings some love. Vacuum those couches thoroughly, and spot clean any mishaps. You can purchase a steam cleaner that will be helpful to have around or rent one if need be. If you really want to go the extra mile, call a professional to steam clean your most used pieces.

Clean Your Carpet & Flooring 


After you’ve cleaned your furniture and moving everything around, now is a great time to get those carpets squeaky clean.
Whether you’re hiring a professional or going full DIY, you’ll want to follow similar steps to the ones you took for furnishing.

To clean your carpets or flooring, you first need to clear the room entirely. Continue by vacuuming it completely. Then, spot treat any visible stains or trouble areas, especially those by walkways and other high traffic spaces.

Once you’ve done that, move on to another room and allow the carpet or floor to dry fully. This step will help to prevent stains from resurfacing.

Tackle Spots you Don’t Normally Reach

Part of a good home deep cleaning is to get into all of the outer recesses of a room, those parts that you don’t ordinarily touch. Now is the time to straighten up those bookshelves, dust down your artwork.

Though it is always a toss-up to what you may find there, now is a great time to move your refrigerator and stove, cleaning out whatever dust, dirt or grime has accumulated there…unbeknownst to you.

Scrub Away the Kitchen Cabinets and Your Walls

While you’re clearing out your room to get those rugs cleaned, take the time to wipe down all of the walls.
During the year, especially during the colder months, dust and oils can build up on the walls and dull our beautiful paint. So, grab a gentle cleanser, some sponges and wipe away!

For the kitchen, things can get a bit more gritty.

The best way to clean cabinets above the stove where all that grease from cooking collects is to use a harsher cleanser and an abrasive pad or sponge (don’t forget the gloves for this one!)

Dust your Ceiling Fans and Check Out This Hack!


Though we can’t reach them easily if you don’t wipe down your ceiling fans at least once a season, you are running the risk of dust raining down on you.

Get yourself a steady ladder and a friend, then start dusting and removing all that sticky buildup too. Make sure to cover anything directly under the fan you’re not on double dusting-duty.
I have an amazing hack for cleaning ceiling fans be sure to check this tip out!

Cleaning Outside Your Home

Pressure Washing the House

light blue green outside door 

We want our homes to look just as good outside as they do inside. Over time, the elements and outside dirt can build up on our houses, making them look dull.

Load up a pressure washer, and blast the build-up off of the house, getting it ready to face the coming year in style!

Sweep the Porches and Decks

outside-stylish-patio-in blue-grey


There are old leaves, dirt, and salt that accumulate on or decks and porches during the long winter, that’s just life, but there’s an easy method to clean it up.

Just swept up everything and if this isn’t enough, use your pressure washer to deep clean these surfaces too.

The outside needs a good home deep cleaning, just like the inside at least once a year!

Clear your Flower Beds


Underground, our flowers are getting ready to make their grand appearance, but how can they with all of the stuff in the way? The same leaves, sticks, and debris that landed on your deck and walkways are crowding around your garden. To fix this, make sure you have your lawn ready and plenty of leave bags.

If you’re a gardener enthusiast, you may want to get rid of all weeds around your flowers, too. I go into more detail in this post, where I share my top tips for Beginning Gardening.

Tackle the Garage


The garage is kind of an in-between space, not quite in or outdoors.

Usually, it ends up being a no-man’s land where all of our unwanted items eventually find their way there. And that’s why it’s so important to give it a good and deep cleaning at least once a year. After all, we all have a garage junk drawer, or two or three? I certainly do!
I went over some useful ideas to organize junk drawers before, so make sure to check it out!

Get in there and start deep cleaning your garage. Donate the unwanted items, organize all your tools, sweep, and dust. T
That way, you can get all of your gardening supplies and outdoor summer gear nestled neatly inside.

Clean Out the Trash Cans

person removing trash can bag

With spring and summer bringing warmer weather, our trash cans are going to get full of backyard food scraps, and weeds from the lawns. Especially after you clean your flower beds!
After a long winter where we paid them little attention, they need a good hosing out.

Take some all-purpose cleaner, a touch of bleach, hose them out, and they will be ready for whatever you have prepared.

Getting the house in order with these home deep cleaning tips is going to feel so good!
Your home deserves a little TLC after keeping you cozy all winter long. Deep cleaning is going to make your home look great, and you’re going to feel better.



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  1. Hi Janet! Thanks for sharing these tips! I’m about to paint several rooms and I’m definitely going to be doing quite a bit of deep cleaning! Decluttering is number one on the agenda too! Hope you’re having a lovely morning!

  2. Wow, I wish I was as healthy as I was before 2015. Since my major surgery, I no longer ave energy to do all the things I use to. I love and appreciate all the tips and steps to get a deep clean house. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Absolutely excellent ideas. Thanks, because I will be putting these to work soon.

  4. Wonderful post Janet! I hadn’t thought of so many of those – now I’ll definitely clean behind the stove, and make sure the garbage and recycling bins are clean. That’s worth it right there! 🙂 Happy Spring, and thanks for the great tips!

  5. Happy New Year and this may be a good idea to super clean inside. It is cold here so the outside can wait till spring, but if I do a bang up job inside I won’t have to do both at the same time. Great idea and a good way to start a new year.

    1. Happy New Year Diana! ❤️