
The Best 5 Natural Cleaning Products You Already Have (And How To Use Them)

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Natural cleaning products can be just as effective as using harsh chemicals if you go about it in the right way.

Making an effort to improve your indoor air quality can affect your overall well-being and even your daily outlook and cleaning your home with all-natural cleaning products can be incredibly helpful to achieve this.

But, if you’ve never dabbled in eco-friendly cleaning products you may be wondering how you can clean your house without harsh chemicals, what are the best natural cleaning products, or even try to make your own DIY homemade natural cleanser.

Cleaning recipes

home cleaning tips mopping the floor

With that in mind, I’ve put together some ideas for deep cleaning your home naturally, whatever the season. Keep reading and scroll to the bottom for some helpful FREE PRINTABLE PAGES with “recipes” to clean with!

Types Of Cleaning

When you think about there are steps in cleaning that we need to take to ensure that our homes are truly clean. They seem to flow in an innate order.

  • Cleaning removes dirt, grease, and grime. It can remove germs from the surface but doesn’t necessarily kill bacteria or viruses.
  • Sanitizing reduces the number of germs on a surface to limit the spread of infection.
  • Disinfecting kills the germs so that there is no risk of infection. In most cases, a cleaning product is used first. Then the surface is either sanitized or disinfected if necessary.


best natural cleaning products to clean your bathroom


IMPORTANT Pandemic Cleaning – Via EPA & CDC

Many of the regular household cleaning products can be effective in killing the Covid-19 virus if you use them properly.
Make sure to use them on areas such as countertops, doorknobs, faucet handles, and solid surfaces that are often touched.
The best practice is to clean these areas several times a day.

The EPA has compiled a list of disinfectants for use to kill the coronavirus. The CDC website also has recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting in a household with suspected cases of the coronavirus.

I highly recommend you to check out all this info if you want to deep clean your home during these times with natural products.



Top 5 Natural Cleaning Products And Tips

Home Steam Cleaner

For the last couple of years we have been using a steam cleaning machine at home on a weekly basis. As someone who not only loves a clean home but has suffered with allergies for years, steam cleaning is a life changer!

We use our steam cleaner for our tile and floors, bathrooms, windows, patio, appliances, counters and every nook and cranny around. It naturally cleans and sanitizes without the use of harsh chemicals using hot pressured steam. My husband uses it to clean the wheels on our cars and the upholstery too.

What I don’t recommend the home steam cleaner for is for furniture, drapes, and rugs. It hasn’t worked well for me that way, so if you’re considering for that use I would try it on a section first.
You can see that we’ve had this for home steam cleaner for almost 3 years now and it’s still going strong! Here’s where to find out more about it:  McCulloch Steam Cleaner

Home Steam Cleaner for naturally cleaning your home


Borax has to be one of my favorite natural cleaning hacks! I remember my grandmother using Borax to clean and do laundry, back in the time when we had fewer chemical products available.

Although we have a huge variety of cleaning products in the market, many of us are heading back to a more natural approach.
And if there’s one product that deserves an honorable mention is Borax. Yes, you heard me right. Good ole Borax!

But what is Borax made of?

Borax is a naturally occurring mineral, known as sodium borate.
It is safe for home use, as it doesn’t absorb through your skin or harms the environment, which makes it a great natural cleaning option.
If you’re wondering how to use clean your home with borax, I got you covered!


cleaning with natural products hacks borax


It’s incredibly easy to use. You just need to apply the same method as you would with any other powdered cleanser.
Below I’m sharing a few tips on how to clean using Borax.

That being said, I always recommend the use of rubber gloves when cleaning your home – harsh cleansers or not.

How do you clean your home with Borax?


Household Cleaning With Borax

  • Toilet Bowl Cleaning

    A cup of borax poured into your toilet and a good brushing will get your toilet sparkling again. One of my top favorite natural cleaning products because those store bought toilet bowl cleaners are so toxic!

  • Carpet Cleaning

    Sprinkle your carpets with borax before vacuuming and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Once you vacuum your carpets should smell fresher. I use it on my areas rugs since we don’t actually have carpeting, but we do have dogs who love to lay on them. Borax will not harm your pets and you can sprinkle and leave if you have a flea problem.

  • Clean Your Refrigerator

    Mix a cup of borax into a bucket of hot water when you clean your fridge or on a wet sponge as a powdered cleaner. You can also clean your sink this way while you’re at it!


bathroom and toilet natural cleaning products and tips


Hydrogen Peroxide

We’re all familiar with hydrogen peroxide. After all, there’s a reason why it has been used for ages by everyone as a powerful cleanser.
But, is it a natural product you can safely use at home to clean?

Hydrogen peroxide is the simplest compound found within the peroxide family.
Although its name sounds quite artificial, it’s a naturally-occurring. It can kill bacteria, yeasts, viruses, bad odors. and even nasty mold spores if used correctly.
Personally, I think it’s a great all-purpose cleaner!

  • Laundry Stains

    We have really hard water here in Florida. For getting my white sheets and towels to look whiter, I like to mix up a solution of 50/50 hydrogen peroxide (3% household grade) and water and soak whites for 1/2 hour. Then launder, adding a cup to the water. One of the best natural cleaning products there is and it won’t eat up your linens like chlorine bleach. You can also add 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide mixed with 1/2 cup baking soda and add to your laundry to remove protein-based stains. Use cool water for that.

  • Kitchen Stains

    Hydrogen peroxide disinfects surfaces naturally and it’s great for wiping down countertops and cutting boards. Just rinse off with warm water afterwards. There are so many uses for hydrogen peroxide and I always have it on hand for natural health and beauty as well.


how to use natural products to clean soapy water in a bucket cleaning



That bottle of alcohol in your bathroom cabinet can help you so much when it comes to cleaning your home! We often overlook the amazing cleansing properties this liquid has.
Below I’m sharing a couple of tips I’ve learned along the way to take advantage of this great cleaning helper.
You should keep in mind that not all alcohols are created equal, though. To sterilize and disinfect surfaces, make sure you’re using at least 70% alcohol.

  • Rugs

    A favorite carpet (or rug, in my case) cleaning hack is to use alcohol for stains. First, blot the stain and then pour rubbing alcohol (or vodka!) on the stain. Blot dry.

  • Mirrors

    Clean your mirrors with alcohol. It’s also a disinfectant and you can use it on a paper towel to wipe down your phone.


  • 1 cup rubbing alcohol
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar

essential oils for natural home cleaning

Citric Acid

Another great and highly underrated natural cleaning option is citric acid. This acid comes from citrus fruits and makes for an excellent natural cleaning product.
By far, my favorite citric acid source is juice lemon! I use it straight up to kill bacteria, mold, and mildew…

To boost its cleaning-power, turn it into an abrasive scrub. Mix it with some kosher-style salt and you just created your own natural cleaning scrub!

  • Kitchen Cleaner

    Use it in its pure form to clean and disinfect your kitchen surfaces. It’s also incredibly effective at removing soap scum and hard water stains.

  • Furniture

    Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with one pint of vegetable oil. Rub onto furniture and buff with an old t-shirt to shine.

natural cleaning products for home

Many of you probably use essential oils in your home and there are so many resources for making your own natural household cleaning products with oils. Although I don’t personally sell essential oils I do use them daily for cleaning and beauty and will add some of my favorite resources and natural-based products below. If you enjoyed this post, you might also like to read these:

Home Deep Cleaning – 10 Tips You Need To Know

How To Get Rid Of Odors Naturally In Your Home

7 Genius Dusting Hacks You Need To Know

These are products that I’ve tried and my favorites that I use DAILY in my home are CALDREA. They are pricey, but I promise that you’ll LOVE THEM!



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  1. Jan Nesbitt says:

    Great ideas! Perhaps I missed it but would you share your window cleaning method with products. Every thing I buy seems to streak! I also live on a mountain with our Carolina room having extremely high cathedral windows that are only assessable from below (about 2 stories below!) I need easy cleaning methods!!

    1. I added my favorite homemade window cleaner but honestly I have no idea how you could get to that window safely Jan. Can you find someone to hire perhaps every spring?

  2. Betty Coleman says:

    Thank you so much for the blog , always interesting , informative , and unpretentious . I always look forward to reading your post , you are my favorite blogger.

    1. Betty, you truly made my day…thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  3. LINA FLETCHER says:

    Thank you for these great tips. I do use the safer option whenever I can, so this is a great resource to have on hand.

    1. I think that going back to basics is just a smart way to clean these days. Glad you enjoyed the post Lina!

  4. Another product you might check out is Norwex. Basically it is a very dense microfiber with silver flecks woven into it. Silver kills bacteria. You use only the cloths and water and it kills 99% of the bacteria. Check out the videos in You Tube. I was very skeptical, but have recently started using the products and they are amazing! I have done away with all chemicals except for toilet bowl cleaning and now you have enlightened me about Borax. ? If you want to try them, I suggest the microfiber cloth(called Envirocloth) and the window cloth. I was blown away by the way they clean windows and mirrors. No streaks! I’ll never use anything else.

    1. Thank you for letting us all know about Norwex and I am definitely going to check this product out Kathi!

  5. Jan Canales says:

    Well Janet, I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks. I admit I have always taken the easy way and just bought commercial products for cleaning. Now at 72, with everything happening, I’m inspired to be more thoughtful in this area of my life! Thank you!! I have followed and enjoyed your blog for several years!

  6. Thank you, Janet. I’ve saved your cleaning tips and hacks because I suspect we’ll be running out of a lot of things in the weeks to come.

  7. Janet, this is such an informative and timely post today. I love all the things you use. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Thank you for some great tips. I didn’t know the hacks for borax, except for the laundry.

    1. So glad that you found these tips helpful Diana….happy weekend!

  9. Thank you for sharing Janet, this post really helps!

    1. I’m so glad that you found these tips helpful Carla. Enjoy your weekend!