New Sofa Bed, Help Wanted & More – Morning Musings 5

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Happy New Year to all and I wish you many blessings, happiness, good health and all that you wish for in the year that stretches ahead! I truly appreciate each and every one of you who reads my blog and hope to continue to bring content that resonates with you and gives you some enjoyment and knowledge. Thank you for every comment left, and while I may not have the time to answer every one I do read and appreciate them so much. This space on the internet is my business as well as a passion and I have much planned to share! That being said…I thought that I would reach out and ask you something below…


HELP WANTED! My team here on the blog is a small one, with myself doing the majority of the work as content creator. My husband has taken on the part time job duties of DIY expert and helps with the projects that I design. Since he has his own business we mainly work on those projects on specific weekends as needs come up. I’ve mapped out quite a few DIYs to share this coming year and two are currently in progress! I also have a couple of part time virtual assistants and am looking to hire more. Someone suggested that I ask you…my readers if any of you might be interested in working with me on a regular paid part time basis. We are seeking to fill a couple of positions. One would be for someone who is well versed with the design world, is familiar with Wordpress and writes well to help us create specific assigned content articles. The other position involves social media work, mostly on Instagram. If you feel that you could be a fit (and are serious), please drop me an email at [email protected] to learn more about these paid/very part time positions and tell me a bit about about your qualifications. I’ll get back to those who I think could be a good fit and thank you for your interest.
Now…moving on to more topics today!


Everything Christmas has been removed and put in their respective bins in the garage and I spent the weekend cleaning and organizing. What a great feeling and the house looks spiffy clean and rather empty at the moment! I’ll be sharing a post soon showing what I do for the next few months once I add a few accents. The joy of designing a home with a white ground is that you can do just that…add accents in your own preferred colors and styles depending on mood and the time of year!

Eeek, so excited that I just ordered this STUNNING VELVET SLEEPER SOFA and am planning to redo the multipurpose office/guest room! You can save 25% on this…or any one item at One Kings Lane with the code NEWYOU25! With the pandemic, it won’t arrive until late spring, so there’s time to plan and get the room ready. I selected seafoam in a Crypton velvet.
Lots to do first including changing out the flooring, painting the walls and adding picture frame molding, perhaps some wallpaper, removing a storage cabinet, ordering new drapes and an area rug. Mood board will come soon and if you’re looking to create your own style board, check out THIS POST!


Comfy and cozy at home loungewear mostly at the moment and workout pieces for my daily walks. Check out THIS POST where I shared some favorites. There are lots of SALES going on right now to take advantage of!


Not a whole lot of makeup these days, since I’ve been home quite a bit. Again I have THIS RECENT POST with some of what I love…especially the game changing hair dryer!


Tonight I’m making one of my favorite go-to recipes for Vegan Burgers that are the easiest to make and often requested by my husband. Be sure to print this one out and give it a try! Another of my favorites is THIS RECIPE for Vegan Lentil Bolognese and it’s good served over pasta or rice.


By now you might have read that I’m obsessed with period pieces and never seem to run out of series to stream! I’ve been watching Victoria on Amazon Prime and not only are the costumes incredible but the acting is marvelous! I don’t often watch regular tv, but am a fan of The Amazing Race and it’s finally coming back with a new season. Learn more about season 33 that starts this week here!


I have to be honest that I’ve been taking a long break from social media, including Instagram. With Bartley’s passing and then family here, it just hasn’t been something that I’ve cared to fill my time with lately. But I’ll be back and have some fresh accounts to share soon! You can visit my own Instagram feed HERE.


The beginning of the year is the perfect time to get organized. Check out the post on organizing bin ideas, and this one that goes into the KonMari organizing method in depth with a free check list printable!

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  1. Great post Janet! I hope you find just the right VAs! 🙂 And I want that sofa! I’m bookmarking it for later – thanks a ton! Can’t wait to see how you decorate your lovely home for the winter! Happy New Year and take care down there!

    1. Happy New Year to you Barb and I can’t wait to get my home office/guest room looking fresh and new! xo

  2. Avigail Lynn says:

    Beautiful blog post today…it DOEs feel fresh! All the best on the new year Janet!

    1. Thank you Avigail…happy new year!

  3. Claire Finn says:

    Happy New Year, Janet. Can’t wait to see your new decorations!

    1. Happy New Year to you too Claire! Hope to keep inspiring over here!

  4. Love the sofa! I almost got one that color but ended up going with neutral. Doesn’t it feel great to have everything all put away and organized!

    1. Susan, it really does feel good to have the house clean and sparse! Happy New Year to you and thanks for being here!